
ZWI – Zentrum für Wissens- und
Innovationstransfer GmbH
Schubertstraße 6a
8010 Graz, Austria

47° 4‘ 35“ N / 15° 27‘ 5“ E

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Team Unicorn

Start-up, innovation and science are our central themes. Are you looking for a workspace for your start-up, a room for workshops or do you want to develop spin-off projects together with us? We are looking forward to your questions.

Mag. Bernhard Weber
Managing Director
Dr. Peter Riedler
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mag. Markus Nachbagauer
Spin-off & Start-up Management
Anna Micheler-Hofer, MA
Operations Manager
Mária Bodóné Harsányi
Project Management
Denada Bimi
Project and Team Assistance
Sarah Pfleger
Team Assistance, focus on Marketing